Have you noticed a stinky sink or shower drain lately? It could be a number of different things. It’s definitely not pleasant to smell, but it also could mean there is a bigger issue with your septic tank!
Bathroom Sink: Check the sink overflow! This hole is usually located underneath the faucet or directly across from it. If this becomes clogged up, it allows odors into the drain.
Shower/Tub Drain: Many different things end up in the bathtub drain…Hair shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and more can all clog drains. This buildup often leads to bacterial growth that causes stinky smells. DIY a solution! Vinegar and baking soda will often clear away the buildup and rid the smell. Sprinkle one cup of baking soda on the drain, let it sit a few minutes, then pour vinegar down the drain - it’ll bubble up and unclog the drain.
Check for Leaks: You may have a leaky pipe! Check under the sink for any signs of a leak.
Still smelling a not so nice smell? It may be time for a septic inspection! Integrity Septic & Drain can perform an inspection to check for issues and determine how to improve your septic system and get rid of the odors.